Monday, April 18, 2011

This week

These are a few of the things I've been doing this week in addition to watering, watering, watering my grass seed.  I wish it would rain more!

Dad and I decided after the sheetrock guys left that we wanted to do the doorway into the hall.
So I've been working on that and just finished up sanding it today.

I also enclosed the flue from the furnace.  Before they just had some 1/4" pieces of wood
there and it wasn't finished very nicely, not to mention it was barely connected to the wall.
Almost done with this.

This is the hall (hard to take a pic of it).  It used to have some painted wood paneling on the walls, which I was afraid to take down because you could tell that they had used glue to put it up.  Dad thought we should just go for it anyway.  So while I was in Dallas dad did a sneak attack and pulled down the paneling, pulled the wallpaper off, patched the holes, sanded, and primed the walls.  Luckily for him there was wallpaper under the paneling so the glue didn't make more work for him by tearing up the sheetrock. But, yes, I'm glad it's done.  Thanks dad.

And this is my bathtub.  Out of the box...finally.

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