Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bathroom progress

I've been focusing on the bathroom lately.  I'm trying to get it back to a working bathroom, well at least a working toilet, since it is the only one in the house.  And I'm glad to say that we put the toilet back in yesterday.  All that's left is to finish the tile in the shower, paint the walls once more, and put in my pedestal sink. 

Walls primed.

My progress on the shower.  I'm using 3 x 6 inch subway tile.

Floor done and grouted.

Walls painted.  It's a grayish brown.

Toilet in!  This is actually the old toilet with a new seat.  I used 220 drywall sandpaper, the mesh kind, to remove all the old rust and hard water mineral stains.  Looks like a new toilet, except it you only have to flush it once, unlike the new ones! ;)

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